Fortimune® Fortimune® generates a positive clinical response in animals affected by infections. Kind Pharmaceutical Formulation Injectable Presentations 100 mL. Registry REG.SAGARPA Q -2083- 159
     INGREDIENTS: Guaranteed analysis Vitamin E (tocopherol) 40 UI Casein peptone 62.5 mg Chromium Picolinate 0.50 mg vehicle cbp 1.0 mL INERT INGREDIENTS Inert ingredients up to 100%
    INDICATIONS: Fortimune® generates a positive clinical response in animals affected by infections (both subclinical and clinical) through an increase in the generation of antibodies and cytokines, also favors the metabolic condition leading to the reestablishment of the production function. - Promotes immune response in combating clinical and sub-clinical infections shorten the course of disease. - It is effective use in combination with antibiotic therapy. - Promotes and maintains the recovery of sick animals in hospital therapy. - Improve the immune response in vaccination. As an adjuvant in the following conditions: -Infectious and inflammatory processes such as pneumonia septicemia, sub-clinical and clinical mastitis, gabarro, metritis and retention of placenta. - Skin diseases such as abscesses, rashes, alopecia, pyoderma. - Viral diseases and their consequences.
     Adult cattle milk producer: 10 to 15 mL. Calves 250 to 500 kg 5 mL Calves to 250 kg 3 mL Calves 1 mL intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
     Fortimune® administration requires knowing in advance the total intake of dietary chromium to determine the dose and time to supplement parenterally, working with your veterinarian and nutritionist. CONSULT VETERINARIAN MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION IS NECESSARY FOR SALE VETERINARY USE

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