Ovosure® Treatment of ovarian cysts, preventing failures ovulation induces ovulation postpartum improving fertility. Kind Hormonal Formulation Injectable Presentations Flasks with 50 mL. Registry REG. SAGARPA Q -2083- 163
    MECHANISM OF ACTION: It is a solution based gonadorelin acetate, a synthetic analog of gonadotropin releasing hormone GnRH; its function is the production and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Both LH and FSH act on the ovary, FSH stimulates the growth, development and follicle function; LH induces ovulation, and the development and corpus luteum function. Gonadorelin is rapidly absorbed once administered intramuscularly, after absorption, it is a rapid distribution reaching therapeutic levels at the site of action. The plasma half - life is 20 minutes gonadorelin, is metabolized by peptidases enzymes, the main route for metabolite excretion is urine.
     CATTLE: Treatment of ovarian cysts: 5.0 mL. Delayed ovulation: 2.5 mL. Improvement of postpartum fertility: 2.5 mL. Estrus synchronization: 1.0 mL.
    Retirement time: Meat: 0 days. Milk: 0 days. Store at temperatures below 25 ° C, in a dry protected from light. Keep out of reach of children. Contact your veterinarian NECESSARY FOR SALE QUANTIFIED PRESCRIPTION FOR VETERINARY MEDICAL USE ONLY

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