Estreptopen® Mixture of penicillins and Streptomycins Kind Antibiotic Formulation Injectable Presentations Flasks with antibiotic powder 2, 4, 12 and 50 million IU with their respective diluent Registry REG. SAGARPA Q - 2083 - 003
    000,000 IU PER 1 CONTAINS: Penicillin G Procaín 375 000 IU Penicillin G Sodium: 125 000 IU Penicillin G Dibencílica: 500 000 IU Streptomycin (Streptomycin sulfate as): 375 mg dihydrostreptomycin (as Dihidroesteptomicina sulfate) 375 mg
    Combination of: a) penicillins short and long acting against gram-positive bacteria and, b) Streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin which act against gram-negative bacteria which gives a broad spectrum of action. It is indicated in all species as initial therapy in various systemic infections. The penicillin-streptomycin combination is effective in various mixed infections tale as middle ear infections and navel infections and respiratory diseases. The penicillin-streptomycin combination is indicated as an adjunct to other therapies to fight secondary infections that commonly accompany fever and mastitis. Due to its broad spectrum of action it is useful in the treatment of infections in newborn animals.
  • DOSE
    Apply from 11,000 to 22.000 IU per kilogram live weight. Mix thoroughly with accompanying diluent. Administer by deep only intramulscular injection. For best results: a) Trim the hair at the site of application, wash with water soap and disinfect with iodine staining, alcohol or any other local germicide. b) Use sterile syringes and needles. Use 16 or 18 gauge for large animals and 19 or 20 for small animals. c) Thoroughly mix the powder with the accompanying diluent. d) Fill syringe with the amount of product required. e) Insert the needle into the injection site exert negative to ensure that the needle is not in a blood vessel and then inject into the muscle pressure.
    They can submit cases of hypersensitivity to penicillin - allergic individuals. In this case, treatment must be discontinued and the subject should be treated with the substances normally used (pressor amines, cortcosteroides, and antihistamines). Do not use in animals with a history of allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to penicillins or cephalosporins or analogs thereof. To avoid further inconvenience to the application is recommended not to administer more than 10 mL in the same injection site. Store in a cool place, protect from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children. WITHDRAWAL PERIOD should not be used this product 30 days before slaughter of animals intended for human consumption. Milk from cows treated 72 hours after treatment should not be used.

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