Volvac AE + FP MLV Lyophilized vaccine virus diseases vivo against Avian Encephalomyelitis and Fowl Pox Calnek strain, virus counterpart replicated in SPF chicken embryos Kind Biological Formulation Injectable Presentations 10 x 1000 dose. Registry SAGARPA B-2083-038
     Each mL contains a minimum titer of 10 4.0 DIEP 50 AE 10 4.0 DIEP 50 for FP.
     Lyophilized vaccine virus diseases vivo against Avian Encephalomyelitis and Fowl Pox Calnek strain, homologous virus replicates in chicken embryos SPF (Specific Pathogen Free). For application through the puncture in the wing web. Carefully read and follow directions carefully before applying the vaccine. Volvac® AE + FP MLV is intended to be given to replacement pullets, layers and breeders 10 weeks of age or older, in healthy birds that are not in production. As an aid in the prevention of Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE) and Fowl Pox (FP).
  • DOSE
    Vaccine preparation: To maintain maximum potency of the vaccine, the virus should not be mixed with the diluent until a few minutes before application. Prepare the vaccine according to the following instructions: 1. Remove the aluminum crimp seals covering the vial of the lyophilized virus. 2. Carefully remove the rubber stopper and add half diluent vial lyophilized. 3. Replace the rubber stopper and shake until the virus is completely diluted and reconstituted. 4. Pour this mixture the remaining diluent and shake again. 5. Now the vaccine is ready to be administered. Vaccination method by puncturing the wing membrane. 1. Hold the bird so that one wing is up; peel off if some feathers of the inner face of the wing where the puncture will make necessary. 2. Dip the tip of the punches in the vaccine and cross them wingweb avoiding perforating blood vessels, muscles and bone. Reaction of the vaccine: 1. Seven to ten days after vaccination, in place of application of the vaccine a small pustule appears reddish presence of a crust, which falls away and some days later. 2. As a rule, 100 birds per house check for the presence of postvaccinal reaction fold wing. 3. Birds that do not present post - vaccination should be revaccinated reaction.
  • USE
    1. Avoid inadvertent exposure of birds with the vaccine vials and punches applicators inside the house. Prevent contamination of equipment and machines despicadoras vaccination with this. Improper exposure may cause injuries variolous susceptible birds. 2. Do not vaccinate before ten weeks old. 3. The post - vaccination reactions are minor or do not occur in previously immunized birds. 4. The appropriate vaccination technique should ensure complete immunization of the flock. 5. Vaccination of complete flocks on the same day reduces the risk of postvaccinal chain reactions. 6. Set your vaccination program according to the frequency of outbreaks of the disease in the region and the seasonal needs of your birds. 7. The immunological reaction or protection of birds with the vaccine depends largely carefully observe the instructions. 8. After use the vaccine destroyed the container and unused contents. 9. The application of the product in poultry egg production stage can cause falls to 10% in production for over 5 days. 10. Keep out of reach of children and pets. 11. Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter of animals intended for human consumption. CONTACT YOUR VETERINARIAN

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